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- Grab your Montem Outdoor Gear discount code/ offer by click on the “GET CODE” or “GET DEAL” at Coupons Plus Deals.
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- At the checkout page, enter the code into the coupon box. You will have that item deducted the discount amount automatically.
Montem Outdoor Gear free shipping
Montem Outdoor Gear offers free shipping on all orders within the US. They ship from fulfillment facilities across the United States. You can choose among those shipping options:
- Standard Shipping: ship out within 12 hours, receive in 5-7 business days
- Expedited Shipping: ship out the same day. receive in 3-5 business days
- Priority Shipping: ship out the same day. receive in 2-3 business days
Get Montem Outdoor Gear free product
VIP Club Members have chances to receive FREE newly released products from Montem Outdoor Gear. All you have to do is to sign up to enroll in their VIP Program. Great chance to try their high-quality product for totally free!
What is Montem Outdoor Gear?
What started out as a trekking pole developed by hikers, for hikers became a passion for developing, designing, and engineering the most ergonomic, and innovative outdoor gear. Montem Outdoor Gear's mission is to bring you the highest quality gear, for the best prices, with a touch of style, and a whole lot of ingenuity.
They use local hikers, trekkers, and adventurers to help them test the gear they spent months developing. Their goal is to introduce only the most exceptional gear. All Montem gear is entirely designed by the Innovation Team in their NYC headquarters.
Unlike many other companies, their products have not started on Kickstarter, nor are they VC funded. They’ve never been in an incubator. Similar to the outdoors lifestyle, they don’t believe in shortcuts. They’re proud to say they’re entirely funded by their loyal customer base, which is fueled by the innovative gear they develop. They don’t have any investors behind the scenes. They are, and always will be a team dedicated to creating exceptional gear.
Why Use Trekking Poles at Montem Outdoor Gear?
Trekking poles provide a number of benefits, but the following are among the most appreciated by hikers:
- Trekking poles take some of the wear and tear off your knees. Every time you plant one of the poles, it will absorb some of the shocks that would otherwise be borne by your knees (and, to a lesser extent, your ankles, hips and back).
- Trekking poles help encourage a proper walking stride. Many hikers and campers fall into bad habits while hiking (particularly when carrying a heavy pack). This can lead to muscle soreness and reduce your effective range. But by using trekking poles, you’ll often find that you naturally adopt a proper walking stride.
- Trekking poles provide circulatory benefits. Some hikers may notice that their hands swell during lengthy hikes – particularly in hot weather. This often occurs because blood accumulates in the hands as they’re held down by the sides. But, by using trekking poles (which will cause you to swing your arms back and forth), you’ll encourage good circulation and likely notice less swelling.
- Trekking poles improve your balance. Trekking poles will provide two additional contact points, which will help you maintain your balance.
- Trekking poles help you burn more calories and enjoy a full-body workout. If you hike or walk as your primary form of exercise, you’ll surely appreciate the increased intensity level they cause.
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