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Paracable return policy
To help customers feel happy, Paracable offers a 30-day return policy. If you made your purchase over 30 days, unfortunately, they can't allow you to return it. To be eligible for a return, your items must be:
- In the same condition that you received it.
- Within 30 days from your purchase date.
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What makes a difference when shopping at Paracable?
If you are looking for some powerful, long-lasting and design cables or fast charging micro USB cables for your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Android devices then Paracable is the brand you should choose. Paracable is a best alternative to your traditional micro USB cable. The Paracable is a best alternative to your traditional micro USB cables. It supports all type of Smartphone and makes your mobile charger faster.
List of Paracable products:
Paraflexâ„¢ Apple Lightning Cables - No more waiting around to charge up your device. The extra thick internal 5v power cables are capable of handling and delivering the maximum amount of watts to the device. If your cable breaks or malfunctions anytime in the first 2 years, they will replace it for free. For most companies, this would cripple their business.
Paraflex™ USB-C to USB-A 3.0 Cables - Paracable USB C cables are compatible with thousands of mobile phones and electronic devices. USB C cables also include a 56kΩ pull-up resistor for safe reliable charging on the widest range of devices.
Micro USB Cables - Premium paracord-wrapped micro USB cables to charge your Android, Windows, or Blackberry device in stunning colors and patterns. With unique manufacturing process ensures durability and fast charging in all of our beautifully colored and textured cables.
Products and Pricing
Paracable basically has two main products: Micro USB and Apple iPhone cables. Price of lightning cable is only $ 26.95. Meanwhile, micro USB cable costs only $ 20.95. Each of these products is available in different colors. You can try on the Paracable coupon code to save 10% on the regular price.
Furthermore; you can get this Paracable promo code with free shipping or discount offer to make a great deal here.
Also, the Paracable provides hassle-free 1 year warranty. If you face any problem with your cable; then they will replace it for free during your 1 year warranty period.
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