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Pioneering and Learning Solution for Students and Educators with ETS

ETS is a platform that believes in the life-changing power of learning. They are driven by their vision that people can improve their lives through education and achieve what is possible.

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ETS and its employees are united in their mission to further advance the quality and equity in education.  Their president and CEO Mr. Walt MacDonald have the mindset that research, assessment, and measurement have valuable roles in helping everyone chart their rare paths to new possibilities.

Their products and services measure knowledge and skills, promote learning and performance. Support education and professional development for all people worldwide. ETS products include ETS® Accelerate, ETS Strategic Capital, Skills for a New Economy, Assessment Insights Workshops, Assessment Literacy Modules, Criterion® Service, e-rater® Scoring Engine, ETS® Major Field Tests (MFTs), ETS® Performance Assessments, ETS® Proficiency Profile, and many more.

Why ETS Questions Test Scores?

ETS tests are widely viewed as accurate assessments of the abilities they are designed to measure. As a result, the millions of people who take ETS tests each year, and the thousands of score recipients who receive test scores, count on the validity of the test scores that ETS reports. That is why ETS questions test scores when it is believed they may be invalid.

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The ETS Score Review Process

Throughout the long term, ETS has created techniques to audit the legitimacy of grades. Except if ETS observes significant proof that grades are invalid, the scores are accounted for. In the event that ETS has worries about the legitimacy of grades, the test taker is offered an amazing chance to react and choose a possibility for settling the matter. In the event that the matter can't be settled, ETS will drop the addressed scores.

If previously, during, or after an audit of problematic scores, ETS observes that offense has happened regarding a test, ETS might treat the matter under its Misconduct methodology; in that occasion, the choices accessible regarding Score Invalidity surveys won't be accessible, regardless of whether those choices were recently advertised.

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How Questions Arise

Inquiries concerning the legitimacy of grades might emerge from:

  • requests from score beneficiaries about the legitimacy of specific scores (such requests regularly emerge from irregularities among various proportions of the test taker's capacities)
  • correspondences from test focus chairmen or other test-takers
  • other inside and outside wellsprings of data

In spite of the fact that ETS considers data got from these sources, ETS doesn't drop scores except if it is resolved that there is significant proof that the scores are invalid.

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