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Hook, line, and sinker: 5 essential gears for your father and son’s fishing trip

Fishing dads can rejoice: It’s June, and your boys’ summer vacation is finally here. Time to take them out to the lake, and even watch them reel in their first catch. But before you go, you might want to check for the best fishing gear, as one bad gear can bum out your whole weekend.

We at Coupons Plus Deals have compiled a list of all essential fishing gear for you from Bass Pro, at great prices too. Gear up for less with these summer Bass Pro discount codes right now!

1. The rod, the reel, and the sturdy line

We put these 3 together, because how they hold equal weight in catching your fish. 

When looking for your fishing rod and reel, you want them to be strong enough to hold your fish. In other words: the stronger your rods and reels, the bigger the fish you will be able to catch. But you need to pay attention to the size of your fishing rod because a normal rod might be too big for your kids to hold.

A sturdy line is also needed for holding big fish. Fish thrash, strongly so, when they are reeled in. If you are lucky enough to catch something big and heavy, a poor-quality line might snap. Thus, select a good line for your rod, so no fish will be able to get away from your lil’ champ.

At Bass Pro, you can get these for $99 or more.

2. Tackle

Fortunately, you don’t have to put too much effort into picking a tackle.

Divided into 3 different types, you should pick your tackle based on what you want it to do:

  • Floats: They keep your baits floating near the water surface, without them your bait will sink.

  • Weights: These guys decide how far you can cast your line out, depending on their weights.

  • Hooks: Help you “hook” your catch. Easily damaged, so ask the store’s customer service staff to help pick something longer-lasting.

While your kids probably cannot care any less about what each type of tackles does, a little lecture on you droning on and on about how different they are can be a fond memory to go back on.

3. Fishing net

Seasoned fishers will know how insanely difficult it is to grab a fish that is desperately flailing to get back to the water.

While the idea of the hijinks it would cause may seem fun, the truth is that catching the fish will mostly make you and your kid frustrated. Not only are fish strong, but they are also so slippery. Instead of tiring both of you out, get a fishing net, pull the fish out of the water and onto your boat, and let it tire itself out instead.

Fishing nets go for just $13.59 on Bass Pro.

4. First-aid kit

Color us paranoid, but you can never be too safe when traveling with children. 

Fishing isn’t as dangerous as other outdoor activities, but mishaps do happen. Insect bites, cuts and bruises from accidentally poking yourself in the face with your rod are among common wounds that might call for a first-aid kit.

Luckily, you don’t have to purchase a first-aid kit from the store. Just remember to stock on cleansing wipes, insect bite cream, gauze, band-aids, eyewash, and Neosporin in your kit to prepare for any situation.

5. Matching fishing shirts

While they definitely don’t contribute to catching fish, a matching set of fishing shirts look awesome. Imagine having a photo of you and your kid showing off your first catch as a trophy on the fridge. In matching shirts!


Bass Pro has a large collection of fishing shirts to choose from. With various designs and styles, you can definitely find something that suits both you and your kids for this fishing trip this weekend! For other shirt designs as gifts, check out our guide here.

With school is out for the summer, a weekend spent fishing is a good idea for a father-son bonding experience. Gear up for less with these summer Bass Pro discount codes right now!

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